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  • Gurobi Installation on HSUper

This guide provides detailed instructions on obtaining and installing Gurobi software on HSUper, including software download, transfer, unpacking, licensing, and configuration steps.

Gurobi Installation on HSUper

Obtain the Gurobi software

Install Gurobi on HSUper

  • Copy downloaded Gurobi software, e.g., gurobi10.0.1_linux64.tar.gz to HSUper (don’t unpack it before), e.g., via MobaXterm (only on Windows) or via the scp command.
  • Login on HSUper, e.g., via MobaXterm (only on Windows) or via the ssh command.
  • Enter tar -xvzf gurobi10.0.1_linux64.tar.gz in the terminal to unpack the Gurobi software. This creates a new folder gurobi1001.
  • Contact Hauke Preuß to obtain the licence file gurobi.lic.
  • Copy the file gurobi.lic into the folder gurobi1001 (at the same level as the folder linux64).
  • Add the following content (i.e., your home folder instead of opt should be used) to the end of your .bashrc file (e.g. double left click in MobaXterm on the file to open MobaTextEditor or use the text editors nano or vim):
export GUROBI_HOME="$HOME/gurobi1001/linux64"
export PATH="${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin"
export GRB_LICENSE_FILE="$HOME/gurobi1001/gurobi.lic"

Save the updated .bashrc file (see the pdf file quickstart_linux.pdf (e.g. page 5) in the folder linux64/docs for more information).

  • Enter source .bashrc in the terminal (or logout and login again to HSUper) to read the updated content of the .bashrc file.
  • Enter in the terminal to start Gurobi Interactive Shell (to verify that the Gurobi installation was succesful) and exit exit().