Please apply for HSUper access using the following form (available on campus/VPN only, login with RZ credentials), if needed.
Navigate to using your preferred web browser. Log in with your RZ credentials to proceed.
Login using your RZ credentials. Open a terminal / command prompt and enter, replacing
ssh <rz-name>
You may also download and use “PuTTY” to manage different SSH connections (and more) using a GUI for settings. After opening PuTTY, put
as the “Host Name” and click on “Open”. Enter your credentials afterwards.
Instead of entering every time your password, you may set up logging in using SSH keys.
ssh -i ~/path/to/private/key <rz-name>
If you need to create new SSH keys, use the type “Ed25519” as it is currently seen as the fastest and most secure type. If you work from a terminal / command prompt, you may create a key using: ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Follow the instructions and remember where the public and private key are saved. Default values are fine.
If you are on a console using ssh, you may add the “-X” parameter to use X11 forwarding, allowing you to open graphical applications on the HSUper frontend and having them forward their windows to your local computer (which can, however, be very slow). If you use PuTTY, you’ll find the option in the PuTTY configuration category “Connection -> SSH -> X11”. Have a look at PuTTY’s documentation for more information.
sudo openvpn –config /path/to/