  • Partitions

HSUper offers various node types, allowing distinct partitions where compute jobs can be executed. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of available partitions along with their associated restrictions.


The table below presents various partition configurations along with their respective limitations. Note that additional constraints (*), not listed here, also apply. If the limitations presented here pose a problem for your use case, we invite you to contact our support team at

Partition NameNodes per JobWall-clock LimitConcurent Jobs LimitNodesRemarks
dev1-21h11-571For testing purposes only, max. two queued jobs
small1-572h- (*)3-571Regular nodes, exclusive node reservation
small_shared1-572h- (*)3-571Same settings as small but node resources are by default shared
small_fat1-524h- (*)572-576Fat memory nodes, exclusive node reservation
small_gpu1-524h- (*)gpu 1-5Up to two A100 GPUs can be allocated per node
small_gpu81-424h- (*)gpu 6-9Up to eight L40S GPUs can be allocated per node
medium-short6-1612h203-571Regular nodes, exclusive node reservation
medium-s6-3224h53-571Regular nodes, exclusive node reservation
medium-m33-6424h33-571Regular nodes, exclusive node reservation
medium-l65-25624h13-571Regular nodes, exclusive node reservation
large>25624h- (*)3-571Regular nodes, exclusive node reservation ! available to selected users only !

(*): HSUper has a general maximum of concurrent jobs per user, which can be found here. Other limitations are specified there as well.

Concurrent Jobs

The ‘Concurrent Jobs Limit’ column specifies the maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed per user within the partition by default. If no value is given, the general HSUper-wide setting restricting the maximum amount of jobs per user that may run at any given time concurrently applies.

Note: Also a limit for the amount of submitted jobs by a single user exists to prevent slow job scheduling.

Both constraints are described on the limitations page page. You can circumvent some of those limitations by using a different Quality of Service (see below) than the default one.

Quality of Service

HSUper offers different Quality of Services (QOS) that impose varying limitations. Each QOS may loosen some restrictions while enforcing others.

Preemption (preempt QOS)

You can use the preempt QOS (e.g., #SBATCH --qos=preempt) to run up to 1000 jobs concurrently. However, be aware that your job may be preempted (canceled) within 30 seconds if a higher-priority job is queued.

Mitigating Preemption Risks

To minimize the impact of preemption:

  • Implement signal handling to preserve your job’s state and resume from the last checkpoint.
  • Use regular checkpointing to ensure that your job can be resumed from the last saved point upon requeuing.

Unlimited Concurrent Jobs, max 15 Nodes

The many-jobs-small_shared QOS removes partition limits for concurrent jobs per user while enforcing a maximum of 15 nodes in use per user at any given time.

Accessing this QoS: Contact our support team at to request access.