  • Storage & Quota

Every user has a personal quota on the BeeGFS parallel file system. Once the quota is reached, one cannot write more files. The current status is shown at login, noting ones personal quota (highlighted) and of ones (chair / research / project) groups.

Storage & Quota

Groups may have a project folder in the /beegfs/project/ directory.

Projects have an individual quota, independent of the user quota. Feel free to submit a request using the ticket system if you need access to an existing project folder or need one created.

On every compute node and the login node is a /scratch partition mounted. You may use it for temporary files. Please note that files created there count to your personal quota. Remember to clean up after your job succeeded and the results are saved.

In general it is a good idea to keep your home directory clean and small.

Please note: The parallel file systems do not offer any backup solution. Deleted files are gone forever. Create backups of important files!