  • Technical Specifications

The technical specifications of ISCC

Technical Specifications

The ISCC cluster consists of 13 hosts in total, with the same hardware specifications as HSUper, except for the interconnect, which is capable of 50Gb/s over Ethernet instead of InfiniBand HDR100.

  • Regular hosts: 10 hosts each equipped with 256 GB RAM and 2 Intel Icelake sockets; each socket features a Intel(R) Xeon (R) Platinum 8360Y processor with 32 cores, yielding a total of 64 cores per host.

  • GPU hosts:

    • 2 hosts each equipped with 1 TB RAM, 2 Intel Icelake sockets, 8 NVidia A30 (24GB) GPUs and 2TB local scratch storage; each socket features a Intel(R) Xeon (R) Platinum 8360Y processor with 32 cores, yielding a total of 64 cores per host

    • 1 compute node equipped with 2 TB RAM, 2 Intel Icelake sockets, 5 NVIDIA L40S GPUs (with 48 GB memory) and 2 TB local scratch storage; each socket features an Intel(R) Xeon (R) Platinum 8360Y processor with (up to) 36 cores, yielding a total of 72 cores per node